December 1-3, 2020 • Virtual Event

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TechNet Cyber 2020 will be the staging area for military, industry and academia to discuss and plan how to achieve persistent engagement, persistent presence and innovation. It is the opportunity to devise a new strategy to build resilience and defend networks.

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Why Choose Us

The cyberspace battlefield has changed. No longer an arena where adversaries launch a single distributed denial of service attack, lob a virus or infiltrate a network, it is now a state of persistent barrages and simultaneous campaigns. Attacks against high-value targets still occur, but they are accompanied by a torrent of continuous assaults on political, economic and security interests.

Reflecting this altered, enlarged, and pan-organizational battle-space, the Defensive Cyber Operations Symposium has been re-named AFCEA TechNet Cyber, forming one of the pillars of the TechNet brand and encompassing both DoD as well as civilian agencies across a broad spectrum of mission sets.

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TechNet Cyber Sponsorship Opportunities

Stand Out in the Crowd! If branding, lead generation and market visibility are important to your organization, the marketing and sponsorship opportunities available at TechNet Cyber 2020 are exactly what you need. This event attracts over 4,000 cyber security professionals, who want to see the leading industry solutions, and take part in networking and business building opportunities.

Have an idea for a sponsorship you don't see listed below? Let us know! We are happy to discuss possibilities with you. Contact us today!

Cyber operations are a challenging mission for the U.S. Defense Department and government community that builds, operates and defends networks. Cyber leaders and warriors must continually evolve to adapt to future innovations and develop and leverage cutting-edge tools and technologies. Participants will discuss requirements and solutions to ensure that the networks within DoD are adaptive, resilient and effective across a range of uses and against diverse threats. Leveraging innovative technology, advancing cybersecurity and building new relationships are topics experts will examine in depth May 15 - 17 at the Baltimore Convention Center in Maryland. 

Speakers will include leaders in the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA), Joint Force Headquarters-DoD Information Network (JFHQ-DODIN) and DoD Chief Information Office. Through a mix of plenary addresses, panel sessions and training tracks, service cyber components, agencies, industry, academia and the military services will add their own insights to the discussions.

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