TechNet Augusta 2024 Supporting Partner Opportunities

AFCEA has developed an enhanced supporting partner program that will offer maximum visibility to those who participate! What better way to make sure you stand out and increase your exposure at this foremost event in which industry leaders can learn about military requirements and connect with decision makers and operators, where senior military and government officials can gain feedback, and where industry thought leaders will discuss and demonstrate solutions. Supporting Partner opportunities are offered at several investment levels, ensuring your ability to participate.

Browse available options below, or jump to specific categories such as Patron Packages, Branding and Individual Opportunities.

Deadline to purchase a Supporting Partnership is July 10th.

Solution Abstracts

The Army Cyber Center of Excellence (CCoE) is seeking solutions to address emerging or existing challenges. TechNet Augusta attendees and exhibitors are encouraged to submit potential solutions to one of the problem statements below.

AFCEA leadership will review the submissions, and the top abstracts will be selected for a 20-minute presentation at TechNet Augusta. Note that preference will be given to companies who are exhibiting and/or sponsoring at TechNet Augusta. All received abstracts will be included in a compendium that is made available to Army leadership.

There is no cost to submit an abstract; an administrative fee of $1,295 will be charged to all presenters.

Abstract submissions are now closed. We will be in touch shortly to let you know if you are selected for onsite presentation.

Problem Statements from Concepts and Analysis Division (CAD)

Problem Statement 1:

Title: Integrated Counter UAS Using Non-Kinetic Technologies

Problem Statement: What cyberspace\EMSO capabilities currently exist or are under development that can deny or defeat the full range of adversary UAS threats to lessen the reliance on costly interceptor projectiles?

Problem Statement 2:

Title: Cross-Domain Counter Autonomy

Problem Statement: What cyberspace\EMSO capabilities currently exist or are under development that enable cross-domain counter autonomy efforts to confuse the sensors or poison data, attack via cyber methods, EW, or efforts to cause the human operator to lose trust in the system?

Problem Statements from Army Capability Manager Electromagnetic Warfare (ACM EW)

Problem Statement 3:

Title: Electromagnetic Warfare Data Flow in a Degraded Environment

Problem Statement: How does the Army tag, pass, and store EW-relevant data at the tactical edge to ensure availability to all required stakeholders in an EMS-degraded environment?

Problem Statement 4:

Title: Adopt Machine Learning (ML) Techniques for Electromagnetic Attack to Optimize Unknown Signals

Problem Statement: How can the Army rapidly adopt ML-enabled EA technique optimization for unknown signals with minimal hardware/platform additions?

Problem Statements from Army Capability Manager Networks and Services (ACM NS)

Problem Statement 5:

Title: High Throughput, Low Latency, On the Move, Line of Sight (LOS) and Beyond Line of Sight (BLOS) Communications

Problem Statement: What are you working on for high throughput, low latency, SATCOM as well as on-the-move BLOS and LOS solutions?

Problem Statement 6:

Title: Minimize Data Footprint Over Low Bandwidth Connections

Problem Statement: What are you working on to enable dispersed command posts with a low digital signature?

Problem Statements from Army Capability Manager Cyber (ACM CY)

Problem Statement 7:

Title: Cyberspace Operations in Multi-Domain Operations

Problem Statement: As the Army focuses its efforts from Strategic to Tactical Cyberspace Operations, how does the Army support the integration of Cyberspace Operations into Multi-Domain Operations? What leading edge industry solutions can support Cyberspace Solutions at the tactical edge?

Problem Statement 8:

Title: Data Analytics at the Tactical Edge

Problem Statement: To support the Army of 2030 and beyond, analytical capability of Big Data Platforms, will be needed at the tactical edge. How do advances in AI/ML, reduced compute/storage form factors, and the increase of data from sensors enable commanders by turning data into decisions in a degraded and congested environment?

Problem Statements from Army Capability Manager Tactical Radios (ACM TR)

Problem Statement 9:

Title: Tactical Radios and Assured Positioning, Navigation, and Timing

Problem Statement: Provide methods for Tactical Radio networks to distribute, utilize, validate, refine, and improve trust for Positioning, Navigation, and Timing information.

Problem Statement 10:

Title: Portable waveforms for Core C2

Problem Statement: Provide methods to achieve core C2, including assured voice (verbal communication at range with globally available spectrum while defeating jamming and direction-finding threats) and limited messaging for digital fires and PLI/COP. Solutions should be available across existing software defined radio capabilities.

Problem Statements from Requirements and Integration Division (RID)

Problem Statement 11:

Title: Economy of Force

Problem Statement: How can future technologies eliminate the amount of personnel required to install, operate, and maintain network transport, as well as lessen the number of individuals necessary to manage, monitor, and secure/defend the unified network and data services?

Problem Statement 12:

Title: Information Advantage

Problem Statement: How can the Army leverage emerging technologies that allow it to shape relevant actor attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors through target audience engagement, information dimension analysis and assessment, information production and delivery, and the concealment of critical operations and information?