Bill Burket, the Director of the Maritime Incident Response Team and Emergency Operations for the Port of Virginia is responsible for the management of resources, training, and personnel from local fire and law enforcement agencies who participate on the MIRT team. Bill is available to respond and provide assistance to any maritime incident upon request by a local Incident Commander or the USCG upon the waterways and tributaries of the Port of Virginia. Bill is tasked with ensuring partnerships within the port emergency response community are maintained to provide for an effective and safe response to all hazards incidents within the port. Bill serves as the Chairman of Virginia Maritime’s Fire Protection sub-committee and serves on numerous USCG and Regional committees including the Law Enforcement, RAD/NUC, and Cyber sub-committee, and serves as Chair of the Port Readiness Committee for the USCG Area Maritime Security Committee. He continues to serve as the coordinator of the Annual Robert E. Rumens Hampton Roads Marine Firefighting School and coordinator of the Annual Steven Todd Dooley Search and Rescue Forum. Additionally, Bill is responsible for Emergency Operations, Grant Management, and Continuity of Operations for the Port of Virginia.
Bill Burket is a retired Virginia Beach Fire Department Captain having served over 31 years. During his career, Bill assisted in establishing the Virginia Beach Fire Department’s Marine Team and has been involved in many maritime responses within the Port of Hampton Roads.