Dr. Paul Kolodzy joined DARPA in October of 1999 as a Program Manager in the Advanced Technology Office. Dr. Kolodzy was selected as one of the new 1101 candidates with the purpose of providing a cadre of experienced technologists directly from industry into government service. Dr. Kolodzy’s current focus is on offensive and defensive communications utilizing advanced materials, techniques, and leveraging, as well as coping, with advances in the commercial sector.
Dr. Kolodzy’s previous duties were at Sanders, a Lockheed Martin Company. At Sanders, he served as Director of Signal Processing in the Advanced Technology Division. In this capacity, he was responsible for focusing on Information Warfare, Electronic Warfare, and Signal Intelligence techniques. He directing classified programs in the development of signal processors and signal processing schemes for image processing.
At Sanders, he also served as Director of Strategic Initiatives with responsibilities for synergistic development of the generation after next Antennas, Receivers, EO, Lasers, and Signal Processing technology. He analyzed and made recommendations on how these advanced technologies would impact systems throughout the Lockheed Martin Company.
Dr. Kolodzy also served at the MIT Lincoln Laboratory for 11 years as senior systems analyst. He was involved in Optical Systems for Laser Radars, Signal Processing, and Target Recognition. He served as Group Leader in the Machine Intelligence Group focusing on Acoustics, RF (SAR), and Optical signatures.
Dr. Kolodzy earned a PhD in Chemical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University, inclusive of EE and CS. Dr. Kolodzy earned his Master of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University.