Jason Lim

Identity Management Capability Manager
Transportation Security Administration


Jason Lim is the Identity Management Capability Manager for Transportation Security Administration. In this role, Jason is charged to ensure the effective and efficient integration of identity-related activities and prioritization of resources through a unified strategy that enhances the enrollment, validation, vetting, authentication, and verification of populations throughout the TSA enterprise. Just prior to this position, Jason served as a Transportation Security Futurist, member of an internal think-tank recently established to drive agency-wide visioning process on the future of transportation security at TSA. Jason has been with TSA since July 2007.

Jason Lim has an MA in Security Studies from Naval Postgraduate School, MPA from Harvard Kennedy School, and MS from NYU Wagner School of Public Service. He graduated from Duke University with a BSE in Biomedical Engineering. Jason was selected as the 2007-2008 Fellow at Harvard Korea Institute, where his research focused on leadership archetypes in Asian history.

<h3>Social Media</h3>
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonlim2000/" target="_blank"><img alt="" src="http://events.afcea.org/FedID18//custom/images/interface/CustomField21.png" style="width: 24px; height: 24px"> https://www.linkedin.com/in/jasonlim2000/</a>


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