TechNet Augusta 2019 Sponsorship and Branding Opportunities
AFCEA has developed an enhanced sponsorship program that will offer maximum visibility to those who participate! What better way to make sure you stand out and increase your exposure at this foremost event in which industry leaders can learn about military requirements and connect with decision makers and operators, where senior military and government officials can gain feedback, and where industry thought leaders will discuss and demonstrate solutions. Sponsorship opportunities are offered at several investment levels, ensuring your ability to participate.
Browse available options below, or jump to specific categories: Patron Packages, Individual Sponsorships, Branding Opportunities.
COL John Transue is the Director of the Army Capability Manager – Cyber (ACM Cyber). ACM Cyber develops the cyber requirements and ensures they meet the operational unit’s needs. COL Transue graduated from the Army War College in 2018 and most recently served as the Director of the Enterprise Computing Environment for NETCOM. He activated the 2nd Cyber Protection Battalion, Cyber Protection Brigade in September 2015, and served as its first commander until June 2017. He was previously the Director of the Southwest Asia Regional Cyber Center (SWA RCC) responsible for the networks in the ARCENT AOR.
COL Transue’s previous assignments include serving as a 782nd MI BN “plank holder” as the 103 Cyber Combat Mission Team Leader supporting offensive cyber operations for the CENTCOM AOR. His previous FA 24 (26A) assignments include the FA 24/53/29 Branch Manager at HRC, and the TRADOC Capability Network and Services (TCM N&S) testing engineer. Prior to transitioning to FA 24, he was an Aviation Brigade S6, Engineer Brigade S6, BN S6, and Signal Company Commander with the 1st Cavalry Division from 2001-2005. He entered the Army as a branch detailed Field Artillery officer and served as a Company fire support officer and Brigade Targeting officer supporting the 3d BDE, 1st Infantry Division in Germany.
COL Transue graduated as a Distinguished Military Graduate from Wheaton College with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science/Mathematics. He holds a Master’s Degree in Information Technology Management (MSITM) and a Master’s Degree of Strategic Studies.
Military education includes Basic Airborne Course, Field Artillery OBC, Signal Corps CCC, ILE, FA 24 course, Joint Network Attack Course (JNAC), the Joint Advanced Cyber Warfare Course (JACWC), and the Army War College.
Professional Certifications include Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), GIAC Security Essentials (GSEC), GIAC Certified Enterprise Defender (GCED), Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH), Cisco Certified Network Administrator (CCNA), CCNA Security, and CCNA Voice.
COL Transue’s military awards and decorations include the BSM, DMSM, MSM (4), ARCOM (2), and basic parachutist badge.