Technical Paper Session: CSTC-3: Cyber Defense

  • Room: Momentum 2&3
Tuesday, November 12, 2019: 2:00 PM - 5:00 PM


Chair: Qingyun Liu (Facebook & Research Scientist, USA)
The NNBC Anti-DDoS Firewall
Gregory L FrazierJacob A McGillRuffy ZarookianBenjamin Floyd and Patrick McNeely (Apogee Research, USA); Seth Robertson (Perspecta Labs, USA)
An Online System Dependency Graph Anomaly Detection Based on Extended Weisfeiler-Lehman Kernel
Yongming Ben (Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China); Yanni HanNing CaiWei An and Zhen Xu (Institute of Information Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R. China)
Hardening Containers for Cross-Domain Applications
Jason Dahlstrom and Jim Brock (Web Sensing LLC, USA); Mekedem Tenaw and Matthew Shaver (Air Force Research Laboratory, USA); Stephen Taylor (Thayer School of Engineering at Dartmouth College, USA)
Runtime Detection of Userspace Implants
Aaron Pendergrass (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, USA); Nathan Hull (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA); John Clemens and Sarah Helble (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, USA); Mark Thober and Kathleen McGill (Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, USA); Machon Gregory and Peter Loscocco (National Security Agency, USA)
Analyzing Root Causes of Intrusion Detection False-Negatives: Methodology and Case Study
Eric Ficke (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA); Kristin Schweitzer and Raymond Bateman (United States Army Research Laboratory South - Cyber, USA); Shouhuai Xu (University of Texas at San Antonio, USA)
Automating Distributed Firewalls: A Case for Software Defined Tactical Networks
Brent E Logan (Naval Postgraduate School & DoD, USA); Geoffrey G Xie (Naval Postgraduate School, USA)
