James St. Pierre

Acting Director, Information Technology Laboratory


James A. St. Pierre is the Acting Director of the Information Technology Laboratory (ITL). ITL is one of six research Laboratories within the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) with an annual budget of approximately $160 million, nearly 400 employees, and about 200 guest researchers from industry, universities, and foreign laboratories.

As Acting ITL Director, St. Pierre oversees a research program designed to cultivate trust in information technology and metrology by developing and disseminating standards, measurements, and testing for interoperability, security, usability, and reliability of information systems. ITL supports the NIST mission of promoting U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by developing and disseminating standards, measurements, and testing for interoperability, security, usability, and reliability of information systems, including cybersecurity standards and guidelines for Federal agencies and U.S. industry. ITL also supports measurement science at NIST through fundamental and applied research in computer science, mathematics, and statistics. Through its efforts, ITL seeks to enhance productivity and public safety, facilitate trade, and improve the quality of life.

Within NIST's traditional role as the overseer of the National Measurement System, ITL is addressing the hard problems in IT Measurement Research. ITL's research results in fundamental and applied advances in Information Technology metrics, tests, guidance, and tools for a wide range of subjects including cybersecurity, quantum information science, and artificial intelligence.

His work has been published in the NIST Journal of Research and in external publications. He has given hundreds of presentations on both technical and management topics, to both national and international audiences. Before joining NIST, in 1994, he worked as a technical project leader within Loral Space Systems semiconductor design group and worked for IBM on the development of hardware and software for Los Angeles-class submarines. In addition, he worked with several universities to develop their semiconductor design curricula.


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