Chris Ormerod

Section Chief
Biometric Services Section, FBI


Chris Ormerod is the Section Chief of the FBI’s Biometric Services Section acting as the business line owner of the Next Generation Identification System ultimately being responsible for biometric identification, identity history services, and investigative support to law enforcement and other authorized criminal justice and noncriminal justice agencies.

Mr. Ormerod entered on duty with the FBI in May 2006 and has held numerous positions since. He has been assigned to the Las Vegas Field Office, the Washington Field Office, and promoted to the Counterterrorism Division (CTD) as a Watch Commander. During his time at CTD, he became the Unit Chief of the Digital Media Management and Tracking Unit. In 2017, he accepted the position of Supervisory Special Agent in the Indianapolis Division’s Northern Indiana Joint Terrorism Task Force. In 2020, Mr. Ormerod was promoted to the Assistant Special Agent in Charge over the Counterterrorism Program at the Phoenix Field Office and in March 2021, he assumed the responsibility of the Criminal Program there. In December 2022, he accepted the position of Section Chief of the Biometric Services Section at the CJIS Division.


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