Sheiloh Carlos

Assistant Product Manager
Biometrics Enabling Capability (BEC)


MAJ Sheiloh Carlos serves as the Assistant Product Manager for Product Manager Biometrics Enabling Capability (PdM BEC). In this capacity, he focuses on the full lifecycle sustainment of the DoD Automated Biometrics Identification System (DoD ABIS). DoD ABIS is the authoritative DoD Biometrics repository that stores, matches, and shares biometric data 24/7/365 worldwide in support of the Warfighter, Special Operations Forces, the Intelligence Community, and the Interagency.
Prior to this assignment, MAJ Carlos served as the Regional Contracting Office – Erbil, Iraq Chief within Army Contracting Command responsible for providing contracting support for the Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve (CJTF-OIR) and Special Operations Joint Task Force OIR (SJTF-OIR) in Northern Iraq. Additionally, he served in a variety of U.S Army Air and Missile Defense Command positions to include battery commander of a Terminal High Altitude Area Defense ballistic missile defense weapons system responsible for defending Guam from ballistic missile attacks.
MAJ Carlos received his commission from the United States Military Academy and graduate degrees in information technology from Florida Institute of Technology, systems engineering management from the Naval Postgraduate School, and leadership studies from the University of Texas-El Paso. Additionally, he is a certified DAWIA Contracting Professional, Certified Federal Contract Manager, and Project Management Professional.


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