Christie Loizos

Senior Trial Attorney
Office of General Counsel, Enforcement and Litigation Division, National Credit Union Administration


Chrisanthy Loizos is a senior trial attorney in the Office of General Counsel, Enforcement and Litigation Division at the National Credit Union Administration. In that role, she focuses on the Bank Secrecy Act, as well other compliance issues applicable to credit unions. Christie previously held several positions at the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, including serving as the senior advisor to the Senior Deputy Comptroller for Bank Supervision Policy. Before joining the OCC, she held the position of the NCUA's Director of Equal Opportunity Programs and as a senior staff attorney in the Regulation and Legislation Division of NCUA's Office of General Counsel. Before her employment with the federal government, Christie was legal counsel to the Ohio Division of Financial Institutions, specializing in credit union and consumer finance law. A native of Cleveland, Ohio, she received her degrees from Capital University Law School and The Ohio State University.


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