Tim Baldridge is an Information Technology Specialist for Enterprise Architecture and Information Security. Since 2012 he serves as senior design architect for the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC), a component of the Defense Human Resource Activity, supporting the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Personnel and Readiness. Mr. Baldridge is a Co-Chair for the Federal Public Key Infrastructure Policy Authority and in his DMDC role supports development and adoption of principles and standards underpinning Federal Identity, Credential and Access Management. Prior to DMDC in his tenure at NASA Mr. Baldridge provided technical leadership for proposing, engineering, deploying, operating and sustaining the systems for the foundation of the NASA Identity Credential and Access Management Line-of-Business. He served as a Co-Chair of Architecture Working Group under the Federal Identity, Credential and Access Management (FICAM) Sub-Committee. He also was the Chairperson for the Technical Working Group under the Government Smart Card – Interagency Advisory Board (IAB) during the initial development of FIPS 201 and related special publications for which the IAB contributed significant input to the review process for these Federal ICAM foundation documents. Mr. Baldridge holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering for Engineering Science and a Master of Science in Engineering for Computer Information and Control Engineering both from the University of Michigan.