Kristin Bergman is an Attorney-Advisor in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of the General Counsel, Intelligence Law division. Ms. Bergman advises and provides dedicated legal support the Department’s bulk data sharing efforts in support of national and homeland security missions, as well as matters of data management and use. She also provides legal advice and counsel on Freedom of Information and Privacy Act requests and litigation related to the Department’s intelligence and information sharing activities. For her role in developing DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis’s Intelligence Oversight Guidelines, Ms. Bergman received the DHS Secretary’s Award for Excellence and the Director of National Intelligence’s Intelligence Community Legal Team of the Year Award.
Prior to joining the Department, Ms. Bergman pursued a legal fellowship with the Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press and directed Constitutional Conversations, a civic education program in Virginia. Ms. Bergman earned her B.A. with honors in Literatures and Cultures in English from Brown University and her J.D. cum laude from William & Mary Law School, where she served as Senior Articles Editor for the William & Mary Bill of Rights Journal.