Colonel Senodja F. Sundiata-Walker is a 1995 graduate of Howard University where she received a commission as a Military Intelligence Officer through the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps. Her first assignment was with the 2nd Brigade Combat Team (BCT), 2nd Infantry Division, in Camp Hovey, Republic of South Korea. While assigned to 2nd BCT, COL Sundiata-Walker served as the Assistant Brigade S-2 and the Brigade S1. She remained in Korea to serve as a Ground Surveillance Platoon Leader in Alpha Company, 102nd Military Korea, she was assigned as the Assistant S-3, 111th MI Battalion in Fort Huachuca, AZ while awaiting attendance in the MI Officer Advanced Course (MIOAC) and Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) and Electronic Warfare Officers Course. She was subsequently assigned to Fort Hood, TX where she served as the Battalion S2 of the 588th Combat Engineer Battalion, 2nd BCT, 4th Infantry Division.
COL Sundiata-Walker went on to command 2nd BCT’s Direct Support MI Company and later deploy B. Co, 104th MI BN (Shadow 200 UAV) to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003. After redeployment, she was assigned as the Assistant J-2, Joint Force Headquarters-National Capital Region at Fort McNair, DC. While there, she transitioned to the Acquisition Corps and was assigned as a Counter-Remote Controlled Improvised Explosive Devices (RCIED) Electronic Warfare (CREW) Test and Evaluation Officer, Counter-IED Directorate, Army Evaluation Center, Army Test and Evaluation Command in Alexandria, VA. She was later assigned to Fort Meade, MD as the Assistant PM, PM Information Warfare, PEO Intelligence, Electronic Warfare and Sensors. In 2011, she deployed to Camp As Sayliyah in Doha, Qatar in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and served as the Chief of Operations and a Contract Specialist in Army Contracting Command-Qatar, 408th Contracting Support Brigade, Expeditionary Contracting Command. Upon redeployment, COL Sundiata-Walker was assigned at the Pentagon in the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Army for Plans, Programs and Resources, Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Army for Acquisition, Logistics and Technology as the Deputy Director of Force Management and Human Capital. COL Sundiata-Walker was the command-selected Program Manager of PM Mobile Electric Power Systems, PM Expeditionary Energy and Sustainment Systems, PEO Combat Support Combat Service Support at Fort Belvoir, VA. Prior to Senior Service College, she served as the Strategic Effects Division Chief, J39 Deputy Directorate for Global Operations, Joint Staff at the Pentagon.
COL Sundiata-Walker is a recent graduate of the United States Army War College. She also attended the Defense Acquisition University’s School of Program Managers and the George Washington University School of Business Executive MBA Program. She is also DAWIA Level III certified in Program Management. COL Sundiata-Walker is married to COL (ret.) James E. Walker. They have two children-Kayla (13) and James, Jr. (10).