Tina Delgado is a native of Kansas City, Missouri and a graduate of the University of Missouri-Rolla where she earned a Bachelor of Science in Biological Sciences. She received her Master of Forensic Science from The George Washington University, with an emphasis in forensic molecular biology. Ms. Delgado began her FBI Career as an Honors Intern out of the Kansas City Field Office.
Ms. Delgado has conducted hundreds of casework examinations in serology and DNA analysis as both a Biologist and as a Forensic Examiner. In 2011, Ms. Delgado was selected to be the first Biometrics Analysis Section DNA Technical Leader, where she had responsibility for the technical operations of three DNA Units. Prior to her selection as Section Chief, Ms. Delgado managed DNA examinations in support of criminal, missing persons, and intelligence cases as the Unit Chief of the DNA Casework Unit.
In January 2015, Director Comey named Tina Delgado as the Section Chief of the FBI Laboratory's Biometrics Analysis Section. This section includes the DNA Casework Unit, DNA Support Unit, Federal DNA Database Unit, Combined DNA Index System (CODIS) Unit, and the Latent Print Operations and Support Units.