Brig Gen Terrence A. Adams, USAF
Deputy Principal Cyber Advisor to the Secretary of Defense and Senior Military Advisor for Cyber Policy
U.S. Department of Defense


Helen Barker, D.M.
Cybersecurity Department Chair
University of Maryland Global Campus
M. Nanette Barnes
Director of CTAE (Career, Technical & Agriculture Education)
Richmond County School System
LTG Maria B. Barrett, USA
Commanding General
U.S. Army Cyber Command
Todd Boudreau
Deputy Commandant
U.S. Army Cyber & Electromagnetic Warfare School
COL Joseph D. Broome, USMC
Commanding Officer
Marine Corps Communication-Electronics School (MCCES)


David Cerjan
Managing Director, National Security
Verizon Business Group
Joyce Corell
Deputy National Cyber Director (Acting), Technology & Ecosystem Security
Office of the National Cyber Director, Executive Office of the President
BG Paul G. Craft, USA
U.S. Army Cyber School


Meredith Dodd, Ph.D.
Data Scientist
Strata Decision Technology
RDML Stephen D. Donald, USN
Deputy Commander
U.S. TENTH Fleet
Evan Dornbush
Point3 Security


Jeff Felice
Executive Vice President, Client Services
Applied Technology Academy
Wendell E. (Dell) Foster, Jr.
Executive Director
Joint Force Headquarters - DOD Information Network (JFHQ-DODIN)
BG Paul H. Fredenburgh III, USA (Ret.)
Executive Vice President, Defense and National Security
AFCEA International
David (Dave) E. Frederick, Jr.
Executive Director
U.S. Cyber Command


Chuck Gardner, Ph.D.
Director of Cirriculum
Stanton Gatewood
US DHS/CISA -R4 Cyber Security Coordinator
State of Georgia
Mark S. Gorak
Principal Director, Resources and Analysis, and Director, Cyber Academic Engagement Office
Office of the DoD Chief Information Officer
Michael Greene
Hewlett Packard Enterprise


Drew Hamilton, Ph.D.
Director, Texas A&M University Cybersecurity Center and
Professor of Computer Science & Engineering
COL (Ret.) Sharon R. Hamilton, USA, Ph.D.
Associate Vice President of Strategic Partnerships
Norwich University
MajGen Ryan Heritage, USMC
Director, J3
U.S. Cyber Command
SGM Jebin Heyse, USA
Command Senior Enlisted Leader
Cyber National Mission Force


Robert Kazimer
Deputy to the Commanding General
U.S. Army Cyber Center of Excellence & Fort Gordon
CMSgt David P. Klink, USAF
Senior Enlisted Advisor
Defense Information Systems Agency
Kevin Kuhls
Technical Solutions Architect
Forward Networks


LTG Susan S. Lawrence, USA (Ret.)
President and Chief Executive Officer
AFCEA International
Sarah Lee, Ph.D.
Professor and Director, School of Computing Sciences & Computer Engineering
University of Southern Mississippi
Nancy J. Limauro
Lead, Interagency Partnerships, Office of the Chief Learning Officer
DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)
CSM Sheryl D. Lyon, USA
Director's Senior Enlisted Advisor
National Security Agency/Central Security


Brian Markus
Aries Security
CDR H. Lars McCarter, USCG
Chief of Cyberspace Policy & Capabilities
U.S. Coast Guard Office of Cyberspace Forces


Command Master Chief (IW/SW/SG) Scott A. Nagle, USN
Command Master Chief
U.S. Fleet Cyber Command / U.S. TENTH Fleet
Bill Newhouse
Cybersecurity Engineer and Project Lead
NIST National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence
CSM Jack Nichols, USA
Command Sergeant Major
U.S. Army Cyber Command


Ronald W. Pontius
Deputy to the Commanding General
U.S. Army Cyber Command


Joseph B. Riddle
Cyber Security Specialist, Federal Software
RADM Michael P. Ryan, USCG
Coast Guard Cyber Command


MSgt (Ret.) Ghanshyam "Sky" Sharma
Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) & Cyber Practice Director
SD Solutions LLC
Melissa Sowerwine
Director, Cyber and Information Warfare
IDS International
James A. Stanger, Ph.D.
Chief Technology Evangelist
LTG Paul T. Stanton, USA
Commander, Joint Forces Headquarters - Department of Defense Information Network
Director, Defense Information Security Agency


T. Eric Toler
Executive Director, Georgia Cyber Center
Augusta University
Dan Turissini
AFCEA Homeland Security Committee


Kim Van Der Wende
Palo Alto Networks
Gail Volz
Cybersecurity Instructor
Augusta Tech Cyber Institute


Stephen M. (Steve) Wallace
Chief Technology Officer and Director, Emerging Technology Directorate
Defense Information Systems Agency
Col Mike Warlick, USMC (Ret.)
Vice President for Defense
AFCEA International
Greg Whitten
Senior Director, BD
Huron Consulting Group
SgtMaj Jay D. Williamson, USMC
Sergeant Major
Marine Corps Forces Cyberspace Command
Jeff Worthington
Executive Public Sector Strategist