Cyber Security Theater: DISA's Task Critical Asset Nomination Process
Tuesday, May 15, 2018: 2:30 PM - 3:30 PM
With DoD's ever growing reliance on highly technical remotely managed systems, the need to provide robust, diverse and survivable connectivity is more import than ever. DISA's Mission Assurance Branch has taken an aggressive approach to assessing DoD's top contingency and operational plans and analyzed the seams and gaps associated with the leased capacity DISA utilizes to support all of the different mission essential functions and tasks. The intent is to demonstrate DISA's role in DoD's 3 phases of mission assurance process as laid out in DoD Directive 3020.40 and for the audience to better understand the different deliverables that the Mission Assurance Branch uses to identify single points of failures, support contracting actions and the deliberate planning process.
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