Innovation Theater: Enterprise Privileged User Authentication Service (EPUAS) & Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)

  • Room: Halls F and Swing
Thursday, May 17, 2018: 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM


Tera Moore
Program Manager, Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI), Services Directorate
Defense Information Systems Agency
Richard Abrams
Infrastructure Services Chief, Applications Division
Defense Information Systems Agency
LTC Carlos Davis, USA
Enterprise Privileged User Authentication Service (EPUAS)
Defense Information Systems Agency
Joel Hampshire
Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI)
Defense Information Systems Agency


Enterprise Privleged User Authentication Service (EPUAS) is the DISA developed solution to meet TO 15-0102 requiring two factor authentication of privileged users who log into server operating systems.  EPUAS enabled two factor authentication through the use of Alternate (ALT) Tokens and a centrally managed directory service.  EPUAS supports Windows and UNIX based platforms which eliminates their dependency on local accounts while reducing the number of privileged accounts across the OOB network by 80%.

Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is part of the family of DISA cloud-services.  VDI enables the delivery of virtual desktops and provides desktop/data resiliency and recovery capabilities to end-users.  VDI optimizes workstation administration and reduces the network vulnerability footprint and attack surface, while aligning with DoD initiatives.  The benefits of a VDI platform can be found across all aspects of desktop administration.  Users have a consistent desktop experience.  Desktop administrators are able to rapidly install, update/patch, and monitor their community of users with a granular layer of visibility.  Security Managers benefit from the user data being stored in a secure DoD Data Center, vice on an individual's workstation.  The session will provide an overview of what a Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI) is and how DISA is using VDI for their privileged users to address Information Security vulnerabilities.


Approved for 1 CompTIA CEU: A+, Network+, Security+, Cloud+, CySA+, and CASP; 1 Logical Operations CEC for Cybersecurity First Responder (CFR)