TechNet Augusta 2018 Sponsorship and Branding Opportunities

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Army Rapid Capabilities Office (RCO) Open Door Brief: Cyber and Emerging Technologies

  • Room: Estes B
Wednesday, August 22, 2018: 2:45 PM - 3:45 PM


John T. "Jack" Dillon
Cyber Lead
Army Rapid Capabilities Office
Rob Monto
Emerging Technologies Office Lead
Army Rapid Capabilities Office


The Army Rapid Capabilities Office (RCO) expedites critical capabilities to the field to meet Combatant Commanders’ needs and deter and defeat rapidly modernizing adversaries. Initially focused on critical gaps in electronic warfare and assured positioning, navigation, and timing (PNT), the RCO is now expanding its focus to include key cyber gaps, as well as other initiatives such as Long Range Cannon, Optical Augmentation, Counter-UAS and Loitering Air Munitions. At the same time, the RCO’s Emerging Technologies Office (ETO) is leading a number of unique projects and demonstrations as it scouts promising new technology. At this session, the RCO’s Cyber and ETO leads will conduct an “open door” event that includes an information brief, a question and answer session, and an informal meet-and-greet. The discussion will focus on cyber/CEMA situational understanding; the Internet of Things; applications of artificial intelligence (AI); novel approaches to anomaly and threat detection; the RCO AI Signal Classification Challenge; alternative PNT Burn Off; and upcoming events.