Collaboration Theater: DoD Enterprise IT Services & Unified Capabilities Strategic Vision

  • Room: Halls F and Swing
Wednesday, May 16, 2018: 8:15 AM - 9:15 AM


Brian G. Hermann, Ph.D.
Director, Program Executive Office Cyber Directorate
Defense Information Systems Agency
Marie E. Sakowicz
Program Manager, Enterprise Voice Services, Services Directorate
Defense Information Systems Agency


This session will present current DISA Unified Capabilities (UC) and enterprise services offerings and outline changes to how they are scoped and how enterprise and UC services are developed, delivered, and resourced.  First among these changes are decisions related to Software as a Service (SaaS) Cloud delivery vice infrastructure.  Second, the brief will discuss leveraging commercial services vice traditional development.  The brief will next give an overview of working capital (rates-based) cost recovery as the future model for Enterprise Service and UC cost recovery.  The presentation will conclude by discussing the specific goals for delivering each UC capability (e.g. e-mail, video, voice, content management, web conferencing (collaboration), chat, and records management) for the DoD Enterprise.